At Med Center Therapy, there are two distinguishing features to our successful Aquatic Physical Therapy program. For 15 years (since 2006), our goal has always been to strive for our Patients well-being, and give them the best treatment. Not only do we strive for the best experience, but we strive for the most successful outcome! Aquatic Therapy will be your best chance to get you back to living the life you deserve.
We keep our both of our Therapeutic Saltwater pools at a soothing and comfortable 94 degrees Fahrenheit, considerably warmer than other clinics where the average temperature ranges are 84-89 degrees.
Our Physical Therapy Staff are not on the side of the pool yelling out instructions, our staff are in the water with our Patients to provide one-on-one treatment. We are hands-on and customize a program for your specific needs, rather than just standing on the side and watching like other clinics. Our main goal is to make sure we get to the root of your Pain or whatever Issues/Problems you may have.
Benefits of Aquatic Therapy
Aquatic Physical Therapy can be a powerful healing tool if you are recovering from a variety of Injuries, Surgeries, Arthritic conditions or Illnesses resulting in generalized de-conditioning and decreased functional mobility. Aquatic Therapy is also a great way to prevent further injury.
Exercise in water can relieve stress on joints in the body, and our warm therapeutic pool can relax muscles and increase blood flow to injured areas. One of our Physical Therapists will evaluate your condition and develop a program with you to reduce pain, increase strength and range of motion, as well as improve your balance, stability and overall endurance. You do not need to know how to swim to participate in our Aquatic Therapy treatments.
Our clinicians work with you and your Physician to create an individualized Plan of Care consisting of land-based and pool exercises.
Your treatment plan will be based on your Range of Motion, Strength, Balance, Pain Level, Weight-Bearing Status, Sensory Integration, and Co-Diagnoses. We work together to create Patient-Centered goals and ultimately build an Independent Aquatic Home Exercise Program and transition to Land-Based Therapy when appropriate.